Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Darnton v. Bettelheim

I also think Robert Darnton’s article does a better job of illustrating the purposes of fairy tales other than children’s entertainment. Darnton demonstrates the value of analyzing fairy tales as historical documents. The transformation of the fairy tale texts between different times and places demonstrates the importance of understanding the history and origins of each fairy tale in order to fully comprehend its meaning and significance. The meaning of the fairy tale, according to Darnton, must be considered in light of the context of the time in which it was told, which can in turn reveal aspects of the society at that time. However, as Darnton points out, many ignore this important fact in their analyses of the tales. Darnton singles out psychoanalysts specifically as prime offenders of ignoring the context and historical significance of fairy tales in favor of a focus on specific details. Bettelheim’s article argues that fairy tales are integral to child development but does not really discuss any other purpose.


  1. Bringing up Darnton's criticism of psycoanalysts brings this important subject to light in his discussion. Many times, these analysts use specific things in the fairytale itself to criticize or make a case on the story, without comprehending the cultural background which leads to a greater understanding of the tale. This leads to flat analyses because they do not entail the full scope of meaning behind the fairytale.

  2. In addition to discounting cultural ties, Darnton's first paragraphs show how ridiculous some of these analyses are; I especially found the part about the red riding how representing menstruation very far fetched. The analysts also seem to ignore the emotional attachments that forms between the community and the stories.

  3. I feel like the meaning of any fairy tale can be completely different not only among cultures but also among individuals. Every person and/or child will take his or her unique experiences and relate to the story though those experiences. We can see how a fairy tale might say something about a specific time and culture generally but that does not mean that it was understood by every person in that same way.
