Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bettelheim/Darnton Question

I believe that Darnton's explanation delves much further than Bettelheim's into other aspects of the fairytale and how it relates to almost uncovering the aspects of peasant's lives during the time and place that the fairytale was written in. As someone else has already stated, Bettelheim gives a great analysis of how and why fairytales are important to a child's understanding of the "inner turmoil" of other humans and searching for the right solutions to obstacles in their lives. However, Bettelheim seems to focus on this subject and does not go into the other aspects of a fairytale as well as Darnton does. Darnton illustrates quite nicely how someone can read into a fairytale and detect parts of the lives of people in that time and setting of the story, as well as how stories change as they're passed on orally based on the culture and what is happening in that culture at that time.

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